Urine Drug Screening
McPherson Physicals is a leading provider of drug screening services. We perform urine drug tests for Cleveland, TN, employers, and court officials regularly, offering a quick turnaround and accurate results thanks to our state-of-the-art testing center and access to advanced laboratory testing equipment.
Urine drug tests play an essential role in many processes throughout the area:
- Employers across various industries may require new employees who are capable of remaining focused and alert while performing their job duties; this is especially important in hazardous work such as construction and utility operations. Urine drug screening can ensure individuals with drug abuse problems do not obtain these employment positions and endanger themselves or others.
- Logistics companies may order urine drug tests in Cleveland, TN, to keep drivers compliant with FMCSA guidelines.
- Parents may resort to urine drug screening for their children if they display signs of recreational drug abuse.
- Urine drug testing is an integral part of the drug and alcohol rehabilitation network of the Cleveland area. Substance abuse treatment professionals can use these tests to ensure the patients in their care remain sober.
- Court officials and attorneys use urine drug testing to screen their clients as necessary to ensure they abide by the terms of their court order.
These are just a few situations in which urine drug testing is a valuable service. McPherson Physicals conducts urine drug testing in an innovative, secure laboratory testing site in Cleveland, TN. Need us to come to you? The team at McPherson Physicals is available for onsite collections for group randoms, post accident testing, or suspicion collections.
What to Expect With a Urine Drug Test in Cleveland, TN
McPherson Physicals is committed to enabling secure and reliable drug testing procedures that make donors as comfortable as possible while ensuring tamperproof results. When you must submit a urine sample for drug screening at the McPherson Physicals testing site, you will receive a specimen cup and place your personal belongings in a secure locker before proceeding to the test collection room. You may not bring any purses, briefcases, book bags, or other containers into the test collection room while providing your sample.
If required for your situation, your supervisor or collector may enter the test collection room with you for an observed collection. After urinating into your specimen cup, you will immediately give the filled container to the collector. You may not wash your hands or flush the toilet until the collector instructs you to do so. Failure to abide by any of these rules will result in failing the test.
Types of Urine Drug Screenings at McPherson Physicals
We offer two different types of urine drug tests that provide different levels of confirmation. Instant urine drug screening procedures produce results in just a few minutes. These tests come back as either “negative” or “non-negative.” A non-negative result does not necessarily equate to a positive result, as many variables may produce a positive. These specimens if requested will go to our lab for further testing.
For more detailed results, we can arrange for a laboratory test with medical review officer (MRO) approved urine drug screening. With this option, a professional MRO will thoroughly review the results of your urine test following lab analysis. The MRO will confirm these results before forwarding the results to the specified collector or employer. If you have questions or concerns about urine drug screening in Cleveland, TN, contact McPherson Physicals online or call us at (423) 478-8992 for additional details.